Let's get Zeroing!



For Premium Pulls

1-3 2.png__PID:461c42c9-9027-4962-b44b-f4e5882db8c4BUY NOW



Group 1000007509.png__PID:a911eaf0-b294-4777-8cca-56c21d6684ff

Dual Airflow

Pressure Level

CAPNOS PRODUCT COMPARISON PAGE-4.png__PID:792ecc32-a3c3-4f25-a337-0743d3a7f4e3

Highest pressure adjustable

Adjustable - lung pull

Pressure System

bite cap.png__PID:6962744b-f4e5-482d-b8c4-abab58f8b4d2

In the Bite Cap

Flavor System

capnos 1.png__PID:744bf4e5-882d-48c4-abab-58f8b4d2ba73

Flavor Pack

3 flavors - change wick

Fidget System

Cap + Crown - rotational 1.png__PID:f4e5882d-b8c4-4bab-98f8-b4d2ba7370b7

Cap + Crown both rotational

Bite Cap Bonus

Silicone Bite Relief Washable too!.png__PID:58f8b4d2-ba73-40b7-a911-eaf0b2944777

Silicone Bite Relief - Washable too!



Tweezers, Lanyard

How Long Does It Last

Clip path group.png__PID:b4d2ba73-70b7-4911-aaf0-b29447778cca

Reusable for years

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This is your heading text.

This is your heading text.





Clip path group2.png__PID:70b7a911-eaf0-4294-8777-8cca56c21d66

Aluminium + Silicone


Group 1000007503.png__PID:3ff9950c-e2a6-4aac-9e8c-f4e7dd6722fc

Height 10.7cm Diameter 2.7cm Width - Depth -


For Premium Pulls

Thumbnail-21.png__PID:31012a1f-d924-45ed-999c-ddc07cf5ff7eBUY NOW


Dual Airflow

Group 1000007509.png__PID:a911eaf0-b294-4777-8cca-56c21d6684ff

Dual Airflow

This is your heading text.

CAPNOS PRODUCT COMPARISON PAGE-3.png__PID:cc32a3c3-ef25-4337-8743-d3a7f4e32065

Moderate pressure

Adjustable - mouth pull

This is your heading text.

bite cap.png__PID:6962744b-f4e5-482d-b8c4-abab58f8b4d2

In the Bite Cap

This is your heading text.

capnos 1.png__PID:744bf4e5-882d-48c4-abab-58f8b4d2ba73

Flavor Pack

3 flavors - change wick

This is your heading text.

Cap + Crown - rotational 1.png__PID:f4e5882d-b8c4-4bab-98f8-b4d2ba7370b7

Cap + Crown both rotational

This is your heading text.

Silicone Bite Relief Washable too!.png__PID:58f8b4d2-ba73-40b7-a911-eaf0b2944777

Silicone Bite Relief - Washable too!

This is your heading text.


Tweezers, Lanyard

This is your heading text.

Clip path group.png__PID:b4d2ba73-70b7-4911-aaf0-b29447778cca

Reusable for years



Clip path group2.png__PID:70b7a911-eaf0-4294-8777-8cca56c21d66

Aluminium + Silicone

Group 1000007503.png__PID:3ff9950c-e2a6-4aac-9e8c-f4e7dd6722fc

Height 10.7cm Diameter 2.7cm Width - Depth -

This is your heading text.


For LungPulls

Examples Product Shop Pages.png__PID:3281bb50-eac7-4854-bc3d-ea1ef1a29665BUY NOW


Dual Airflow

Group 1000007508.png__PID:eaf0b294-4777-4cca-96c2-1d6684ff9ccb

Single Airflow

This is your heading text.

Group 1000007497.png__PID:1043cbff-461c-42c9-9027-6962744bf4e5

Higher Pressure - Fixed

Lung pull

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Group 1000007507.png__PID:90276962-744b-44e5-882d-b8c4abab58f8

In the Base

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Group 1000007508.png__PID:abab58f8-b4d2-4a73-b0b7-a911eaf0b294

ZERO Cap Pack

Mint - change cap

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This is your heading text.

This is your heading text.

This is your heading text.

Clip path group.png__PID:b4d2ba73-70b7-4911-aaf0-b29447778cca

Reusable for years



Clip path group2.png__PID:70b7a911-eaf0-4294-8777-8cca56c21d66


Group 1000007503.png__PID:3ff9950c-e2a6-4aac-9e8c-f4e7dd6722fc

Height 10 cm Diameter 2.5 cm Width 2.1 cm Depth 0.9 cm

This is your heading text.


For Mouth Pulls

5 (2).png__PID:c2b4f46d-8d3b-457b-9c51-d72b14a5b519BUY NOW


Dual Airflow

Group 1000007508.png__PID:eaf0b294-4777-4cca-96c2-1d6684ff9ccb

Single Airflow

This is your heading text.

Group 1000007497.png__PID:db801043-cbff-461c-82c9-90276962744b

Lower Pressure - FIxed

Mouth pull

This is your heading text.

Group 1000007507.png__PID:90276962-744b-44e5-882d-b8c4abab58f8

In the Base

This is your heading text.

Group 1000007508.png__PID:abab58f8-b4d2-4a73-b0b7-a911eaf0b294

E-Z Cap Pack

Lavander - change cap

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This is your heading text.

This is your heading text.

This is your heading text.

Clip path group.png__PID:b4d2ba73-70b7-4911-aaf0-b29447778cca

Reusable for years



Clip path group2.png__PID:70b7a911-eaf0-4294-8777-8cca56c21d66


Group 1000007503.png__PID:3ff9950c-e2a6-4aac-9e8c-f4e7dd6722fc

Height 10 cm Diameter 2.5 cm Width 2.1 cm Depth 0.9 cm

This is your heading text.

Frame 2087325472a.png__PID:4803d257-cd0e-43f8-baf1-6cc5a14ff3a7


It's just air! CAPNOS devices can also be rinsed with water since there is no battery. The natural extracts are picked up as an aroma. Feel a guilt-free, clean experience with Zeroing!

Frame 2087325472.png__PID:62534803-d257-4d0e-b3f8-3af16cc5a14f


Take a hit, hear the pop, feel the throat hit, and experience aromatic fragrance all by Zeroing.  Turn any stress hit or craving into a satisfying experience knowing you're only inhaling air, for anyone, anytime, anywhere. 

Group 1000007512 (3).png__PID:183736fb-6731-4814-b8ea-fbcea7a77f23
Frame 2087325472c.png__PID:d257cd0e-b3f8-4af1-acc5-a14ff3a7aa64


Our devices are durable, ergonomic, and effective. Your purchase is protected by a one-year quality warranty. As there is no battery, CAPNOS products are designed to be reused for years!

Frame 2087325471d.png__PID:cd0eb3f8-3af1-4cc5-a14f-f3a7aa645a27


We know how costly vaping or smoking can be. That's why we offer affordable products with the goal to provide shipping locally, worldwide to lower your costs of shipping. If you want a premium experience, we have you covered too!

Frame 2087325475.png__PID:e8bf005f-16a5-4b0d-af2d-4e20d1892b21


Yearly savings by using CAPNOS devices.

Frame 1171275062b.png__PID:005f16a5-5b0d-4f2d-8e20-d1892b21151f

30+ DAYS

Of fresh, all-natural flavor (per vial or flavor pack).


We strive to be fully transparent with you about the steps we’re taking to ensure you receive your products, or 100% money-back guaranteed.

Frame 2087325481.png__PID:61f28d56-09ff-4e76-8325-549eb932f1f2


Place your order today from our website and receive confirmation details in your email.

Frame 2087325481b.png__PID:cfd21fec-8eb1-4e86-a6b0-998026ed2e97


We are shipping orders within the next 1-3 business days after they're received. An estimated delivery time is provided during checkout. We may experience delays with higher shipping volumes.

Frame 2087325481c.png__PID:1fec8eb1-ee86-46b0-9980-26ed2e97e33a


We will notify you when your order is on the road and delivered. Once you receive your CAPNOS product(s), please consider writing a review!


CAPNOS is confident that we will deliver a product you love and enjoy. If you are unsatisfied at any time before receiving your order, email us at hello@mycapnos.com, return the package (unopened) or refuse delivery, and we can refund 100% of your purchase!

If after you try the Zero you find that it is not for you, we may not process refunds or returns due to health and safety standards. However, please contact us so we can determine if there are alternative ways we can help provide value to you.